

Charles Cook

了解那些将花 "储存 "在果实内的植物。

无花果树的多样性,对应于Ficus属的不同物种,有不同的地理起源,从澳大利亚、印度、亚洲和非洲到欧洲。 它们属于Moraceae科,其特点是有乳汁和果实(syconium),被称为无花果。

另一个有趣的特点是,花被包裹在一个肉质的花托内(形成果实),由特定的黄蜂授粉。 由于不与外界接触,花不会传播香味。 然而,雌花在成熟时刺激果实发出气味,吸引授粉黄蜂。

这种多样性的物种显示了不同大小、叶子形状和果实大小的全景,从葡萄牙传统的普通无花果(Ficus carica)到攀缘无花果(Ficus pumila),后者因其覆盖墙壁的攀缘行为而被认可。

在其他物种中,我们可以强调,例如,澳大利亚无花果树(Ficus macrophylla)、橡胶树(Ficus elastica)和龙树(Ficus religiosa),它们的存在标志着我们花园的身份,因为它们具有标志性的大小。 有些植物在葡萄牙也被用作室内植物,如Ficus benjamina和Ficus lyrata,它们是一种在这一版中,我们重点介绍以下物种:Ficus carica, F. macrophylla, F. elastica和F. pumila。

Ficus carica l.


普通无花果,又称欧洲无花果和葡萄牙无花果,是一种原产于地中海地区的落叶树。 它的枝条脆弱,叶子参差不齐。 有记录说它是人类最早栽培的植物之一。

它的果实,即可食用的无花果,具有肉质和多汁的结构,呈黄白色至紫色,是一种富含糖分的食物。 这种无花果树的果实可能来自雄株或雌株,可食用的无花果来自雌株。 来自雄株的无花果被称为caprifigo,并不是商业化,仅作为山羊饲料使用。







常绿树种,原产于澳大利亚东海岸的热带雨林,通常被称为澳大利亚无花果或绞杀无花果。 它的特点是具有标志性的大小和圆形的树冠。 它的树干带有灰色的流苏,有一个雄伟的、具有雕塑感的根系。 它一般有气生根,从枝条上冒出,到达地面后,增粗成补充树干以支持树冠。


See_also: 窗前的花园


果实:它的无花果直径为2-2.5厘米,成熟时颜色由绿色变为紫色。 虽然可以食用,但它的果实不好吃,味道很干。

ficus pumila thunb.


See_also: 种植指南:野生猕猴桃

一种原产于澳大利亚、中国和日本的物种,被称为匍匐无花果,是一种生长迅速的匍匐植物,是覆盖表面的理想选择。 它的枝条通过不定根附着在表面和/或支架上,在成年阶段,枝条变得木质化。


叶子:它的叶子很小,呈心形,通常不超过3厘米长。 它们很薄,略微折叠,幼年时呈淡黄色。 随着植物的成熟,它开始产生更大的、革质的叶子,色调为深绿色。

优点:它的特点是生长迅速,每年约30至45厘米。 这种植物应生长在明亮的间接阳光下,但已知可容忍低水平的光照。 虽然它是一个坚韧的物种,但需要大量的维护,因为它需要定期修剪,否则会变得相当木讷。

ficus elastica roxb. ex hornem.


常绿树种,俗称橡胶树、橡胶植物或假橡胶树,原产于印度次大陆至马来西亚和印度尼西亚。 其特点是树干短而粗(直径可达2米),一般不规则,基部有非常多的分枝,树皮光滑,呈灰色,有时有沟纹。该物种发展出气生根,到达地面后成为辅助树干,支撑着树枝,也使树冠得以扩展。 有一些栽培品种适合作为室内植物,叶子呈变色的黄色或红棕色。



有趣的事实:这种植物物种在切割时发出一种有毒的、白色的、非常粘稠的乳汁。 这种乳汁可以作为制造橡胶的原料,尽管它的数量和质量与橡胶树生产的乳汁不一样。 橡胶树(Hevea brasiliensis L.)也生产橡胶,是一种原产于印度的物种。巴西的亚马逊河。

Teresa Vasconcelos和Miguel Brilhante的合作。


Saraiva, G. M. N.; Almeida, A. F. (2016).Árvores na cidade, roteiro das árvores classificadas de Lisboa. Lisbon: By thebook

Charles Cook

Charles Cook is a passionate horticulturist, blogger, and avid plant lover, dedicated to sharing his knowledge and love for gardens, plants, and decoration. With over two decades of experience in the field, Charles has honed his expertise and turned his passion into a career.Growing up on a farm, surrounded by lush greenery, Charles developed a deep appreciation for nature's beauty from an early age. He would spend hours exploring the vast fields and tending to various plants, nurturing a love for gardening that would follow him throughout his life.After graduating with a degree in horticulture from a prestigious university, Charles embarked on his professional journey, working in various botanical gardens and nurseries. This invaluable hands-on experience allowed him to gain a deep understanding of different plant species, their unique requirements, and the art of landscape design.Recognizing the power of online platforms, Charles decided to start his blog, offering a virtual space for fellow garden enthusiasts to gather, learn, and find inspiration. His engaging and informative blog, filled with captivating videos, helpful tips, and the latest news, has garnered a loyal following from gardeners of all levels.Charles believes that a garden is not just a collection of plants, but a living, breathing sanctuary that can bring joy, tranquility, and connection to nature. Heendeavors to unravel the secrets of successful gardening, providing practical advice on plant care, design principles, and innovative decoration ideas.Beyond his blog, Charles frequently collaborates with gardening professionals, participates in workshops and conferences, and even contributes articles to prominent gardening publications. His passion for gardens and plants knows no bounds, and he tirelessly seeks to expand his knowledge, always striving to bring fresh and exciting content to his readers.Through his blog, Charles aims to inspire and encourage others to unlock their own green thumbs, believing that anyone can create a beautiful, thriving garden with the right guidance and a sprinkle of creativity. His warm and genuine writing style, coupled with his wealth of expertise, ensures that readers will be enthralled and empowered to embark on their own garden adventures.When Charles isn't busy tending to his own garden or sharing his expertise online, he enjoys exploring botanical gardens around the world, capturing the beauty of flora through his camera lens. With a deep-rooted commitment to nature conservation, he actively advocates for sustainable gardening practices, cultivating an appreciation for the fragile ecosystem we inhabit.Charles Cook, a true plant aficionado, invites you to join him on a journey of discovery, as he opens the doors to the captivatingworld of gardens, plants, and decoration through his captivating blog and enchanting videos.