

Charles Cook

Reinette苹果是一种非常高产的作物,比其他苹果更具抗性。 它略带酸性,广泛用于制作蛋挞、蛋糕和果酱。



学名:Malus domestica Borkh. (M. pumila Mill/ Pyrus malus L)。


Family: Rosaceae.

历史事实:苹果的起源是在中亚和高加索地区;最近的研究表明,野生苹果树(Malus sylvestris)的起源是在哈萨克斯坦的山区,但Reineta品种起源于法国。 在Fontanelas(Sintra),有Reineta de Fontanelas苹果节(reineta-do-canadá的同义词),该活动旨在传播和推广17世纪就有记载,当时Duarte Nunes de Leão谈到了Colares地区的苹果。 我们知道,苹果树是目前世界上栽培最多的果树。 世界上最大的苹果生产国是中国(浓缩果汁出口国)和美国;在葡萄牙,Região deRibatejo-Oeste是主要生产商。

描述:它是一种落叶的旺盛树种,身材矮小(最高10-12米),有简单的椭圆形落叶,树冠呈椭圆形,分枝开放,趋于水平,根系穿透力比梨低。 果实呈圆形和扁平状,表皮粗糙,呈棕褐色/黄色,颜色浅褐,通常覆盖着赤褐色。

授粉/受精:大多数品种是自我不育的,需要授粉品种(至少两个)进行交叉授粉,这是由蜜蜂完成的。 如果没有野生蜜蜂,将有必要引入蜂箱(4/ha)。

推荐的授粉者:"Delicious Rouge"、"Golden Delicious"、"Jonagold"、"Granny Smith"、"Gala"、"Golden Gem"、"Hillieri"、"Idared"、"Queen of Reinets"、"Caux"、"Cravert" "La Nationale"。

生物周期:苹果树的寿命为50-55年,在8-40年之间达到盛产期。 花蕾从4月到7月发育,结果期从7月持续到10月落叶,然后休息到第二年的4月。 种植最多的品种:Reinetta组:Blanquina, Perico, Coloradona, Raxao、"Solarina","Reineta Parda"(alcobaça),Reineta de Fontanelas(Fontanelas或Colares-Sintra)"Reineta Parda do Canadá("Grand Faye"),"Reineta Branca do Canadá","Reineta parda do Grand Faye","Franche","Bretagne","Clochard"," Du Mans"," Caux"," Luneville"," Reguengo Grande"," Rainha das Reinetas" ," Esperiega" ," Bumann" 。

See_also: 栗子树,一种防止咳嗽的植物






温度:最佳:15-20 °C 最小:2 °C 最大:35 °C。








肥料:牛粪、羊粪和鸟粪。 我们也可以用新鲜海藻、橄榄和葡萄渣以及血粉施肥。 绿肥:一年生黑麦草、油菜、山毛榉、田豆、羽扇豆、白三叶和苜蓿在种植前或在已经种植的果园的行间。

营养需求:4-1-6型或2:1:2(N-P-K)。 最需要的微量元素是钙、铁、硼、锰和镁。


土壤准备:根据土壤类型,用底土机(最多50厘米)或凿子(最多30厘米)犁地。 如果土地上有很多植被,可以用圆盘耙或锤式割草机。 在操作结束时,可以用刮刀。




分蘖:前三年修剪树木。 修剪是为了结果(从12月到3月)。 以自由形态种植(角度相对封闭)。 可在作物的行间用树叶、稻草、堆肥和割下的草进行覆盖。 除草时果实之间的距离为10-15厘米。

浇水:浇水(每月2-3次)应在7月和8月进行,使用500-800升/平方米/年。 浇水系统应采用滴灌。


虫害:蚜虫、鳞翅目(Quadraspidiotus perniciosus)、粉蚧(Cydia pomonella)、螨虫(Panonychus ulmi)、Zizera和木虱、地中海果蝇。

病害:普通腐烂病(Nectria galligena),褐腐病(Monilia和Sclerotinia),白粉病,病毒病(AMV和ARV,AFLV)和细菌病(火疫)。



何时采收:采收一般是计算开花后的天数,对于莱尼特来说,开花后的天数是130-140天。 果实的硬度(用渗透仪评估)。 采收时间可以从8月到10月。


储存条件:2至4 ºC,95% RH,5% Co2和3% O2。 保存期限为210天。


用途:通常作为水果食用,但也可用于制作各种甜点(烤苹果或蛋挞)、橘子酱、沙拉。 也可用于制作苹果酒。 木材也可用于各种类型的材料和工具。


See_also: 切割机

Charles Cook

Charles Cook is a passionate horticulturist, blogger, and avid plant lover, dedicated to sharing his knowledge and love for gardens, plants, and decoration. With over two decades of experience in the field, Charles has honed his expertise and turned his passion into a career.Growing up on a farm, surrounded by lush greenery, Charles developed a deep appreciation for nature's beauty from an early age. He would spend hours exploring the vast fields and tending to various plants, nurturing a love for gardening that would follow him throughout his life.After graduating with a degree in horticulture from a prestigious university, Charles embarked on his professional journey, working in various botanical gardens and nurseries. This invaluable hands-on experience allowed him to gain a deep understanding of different plant species, their unique requirements, and the art of landscape design.Recognizing the power of online platforms, Charles decided to start his blog, offering a virtual space for fellow garden enthusiasts to gather, learn, and find inspiration. His engaging and informative blog, filled with captivating videos, helpful tips, and the latest news, has garnered a loyal following from gardeners of all levels.Charles believes that a garden is not just a collection of plants, but a living, breathing sanctuary that can bring joy, tranquility, and connection to nature. Heendeavors to unravel the secrets of successful gardening, providing practical advice on plant care, design principles, and innovative decoration ideas.Beyond his blog, Charles frequently collaborates with gardening professionals, participates in workshops and conferences, and even contributes articles to prominent gardening publications. His passion for gardens and plants knows no bounds, and he tirelessly seeks to expand his knowledge, always striving to bring fresh and exciting content to his readers.Through his blog, Charles aims to inspire and encourage others to unlock their own green thumbs, believing that anyone can create a beautiful, thriving garden with the right guidance and a sprinkle of creativity. His warm and genuine writing style, coupled with his wealth of expertise, ensures that readers will be enthralled and empowered to embark on their own garden adventures.When Charles isn't busy tending to his own garden or sharing his expertise online, he enjoys exploring botanical gardens around the world, capturing the beauty of flora through his camera lens. With a deep-rooted commitment to nature conservation, he actively advocates for sustainable gardening practices, cultivating an appreciation for the fragile ecosystem we inhabit.Charles Cook, a true plant aficionado, invites you to join him on a journey of discovery, as he opens the doors to the captivatingworld of gardens, plants, and decoration through his captivating blog and enchanting videos.