

Charles Cook

学名: Brassica oleracea L Var. capitata Rubra .

资料来源: 温带和地中海的欧洲,可能在意大利北部。

家庭: 十字花科植物 大豆类 .

特点: 草本植物,叶子光滑,呈红宝石色(薄片表面光滑,含有花青素色素),体积大,合拢后形成一棵顶生的白菜。 植株在无性期可达到约40-60厘米的高度。 根系直立且浅。

孕育: 黄色的、雌雄同体的、可自我繁殖的花朵大多由蜜蜂授粉,产生的果实有种子生产。

历史事实/奇闻轶事: 其起源多种多样,在丹麦和希腊发现了野生形式,总是在沿海地区。 自公元前4000年起,人们就开始食用它们。 公元前2500年,埃及人就已经知道了,后来希腊人也开始种植。 红甘蓝作为一种有组织的作物起源于北欧,由凯尔特的北欧人引进。

14世纪,它被罗马人引入欧洲,被农民用来滋补。 直到18世纪,它才开始被欧洲的贵族们食用。 在古代,它的作用是帮助消化和消除醉意。 主要生产国是中国、印度和俄罗斯。

生物循环: 两年生植物(75-121天),可持续2年,然后穗状。

最广泛种植的品种: "Rojo Marner Fruhrot"、"Kalibos"、"黑头"、"红宝石王朝"、"红宝石"、"Rodeo"、"红宝石球"、"红鼓头"、"Primero"、"Pedro"、"Bandolero"、"Buscaro"、"紫白菜"。

可食用部分: 叶子(重量600-1000克)


土壤: 它适应各种类型的土壤,但更喜欢中到粘土、疏松、排水良好、富含腐殖质的新鲜深层土壤。 pH值应在6.0-7.0。

气候区: 地中海和温带。

温度: 最佳:14-18ºC 最低临界温度:- 10ºC 最高临界温度:35ºC

植被为零: 6ºC

阳光照射: 它喜欢充足的阳光,在12小时以上的长日里开花。



受精: 施用充分腐烂的羊粪和牛粪。 卷心菜作为一种耐寒品种,是一种能很好地利用牛粪、家庭堆肥和充分腐烂的城市固体废物的植物。 过去,石灰粉被用作发育和生长的巨大刺激物。 在酸性土壤中,在堆肥、Lithothame(海藻)和灰中加入钙。

绿肥: 黑麦草、苜蓿、白三叶、羽扇豆和大田豆。

营养需求: 2:1:3或3:1:3(氮:磷:钾)和钙,被认为是要求很高。

See_also: 如何种植马齿苋


土壤准备: 双头弧形喷嘴的割草机可用于深耕,打碎土块和消灭杂草。 可在田间打出1-2.0米宽的沟壑。

种植/播种的日期: 几乎全年都可以,不过我建议9月至11月。

种植/播种的类型: 在紫花苜蓿播种盘中。

发芽: 5-10天,温度在20-30ºC之间。

发育能力: 4年

深度: 0.5-2厘米

指南针: 行间50-80×行内植物间30-50厘米。

移植: 播种后6-7周,或当它们5-10厘米高,有3-4片叶子时(11月之前或期间)。

协会: 胡萝卜、生菜、洋葱、菠菜土豆、百里香、芥菜、薄荷、欧芹、茴香、芹菜、番茄、韭菜、薰衣草、豆类、豌豆、黄瓜、甜菜、缬草和芦笋。

轮换: 茄科植物(番茄、茄子等)和葫芦科植物(南瓜、黄瓜、小胡瓜等)是这种作物的良好先例。 一旦移出,至少5-6年内不应再回到土地上。 对于粪便未完全分解的土地,这是一种良好的作物,可以启动作物轮作计划。

悲哀: 锄地、起垄,当卷心菜超过1米高时,要打桩,覆盖地膜。

浇水: 通过洒水或滴水,间隔10-15天。


虫害: 卷心菜叶毛虫、灰蚜、潜叶蛾幼虫、蛞蝓和蜗牛、线虫、阁楼和卷心菜蝇、结缕草、卷心菜蛾。

疾病: 霜霉病、白粉病、交变病、腐烂病、白锈病、疮痂病和病毒病。

事故: 对酸度的耐受性差,过早发芽,边缘坏死,缺硼和缺钼,热风和干风。


何时收获: 当卷心菜紧凑而结实时,在底部切开茎部,去除外面的叶子(3-5月),播种后100到200天。

生产: 30-50吨/公顷/年。

See_also: 成功种植木槿花的7个技巧

储存条件: 0-1ºC和90-98%的相对湿度,持续5-6个月,控制CO2和O2。

营养价值: 这种卷心菜含有较丰富的类胡萝卜素和叶绿素,并含有丰富的维生素、K、C、B6、B9、钙、铁(比其他卷心菜高)、锰、镁、硫、铜、溴、硅、碘、锌和钾。 它还含有含硫氨基酸。

用途: 在沙拉、熟食和食品工业中作为着色剂。

药用: 像大多数卷心菜一样,它可以防止某些类型癌症的发生,因为它含有葡萄糖苷酸,它决定了香气和防止癌症的发生。 花青素具有抗氧化能力,可用于治疗溃疡。 它具有抗贫血作用,对抗感冒、利尿、精力充沛和对抗老年痴呆症。

专家建议: 我建议在秋冬季节种植这种作物,利用不太高的温度、降雨量和较高的相对湿度。 一定要选择适合在这些季节种植的品种。 为了阻止蜗牛害虫(此时最常见),使用含有活性物质的诱饵,铁或用啤酒制作陷阱。

Charles Cook

Charles Cook is a passionate horticulturist, blogger, and avid plant lover, dedicated to sharing his knowledge and love for gardens, plants, and decoration. With over two decades of experience in the field, Charles has honed his expertise and turned his passion into a career.Growing up on a farm, surrounded by lush greenery, Charles developed a deep appreciation for nature's beauty from an early age. He would spend hours exploring the vast fields and tending to various plants, nurturing a love for gardening that would follow him throughout his life.After graduating with a degree in horticulture from a prestigious university, Charles embarked on his professional journey, working in various botanical gardens and nurseries. This invaluable hands-on experience allowed him to gain a deep understanding of different plant species, their unique requirements, and the art of landscape design.Recognizing the power of online platforms, Charles decided to start his blog, offering a virtual space for fellow garden enthusiasts to gather, learn, and find inspiration. His engaging and informative blog, filled with captivating videos, helpful tips, and the latest news, has garnered a loyal following from gardeners of all levels.Charles believes that a garden is not just a collection of plants, but a living, breathing sanctuary that can bring joy, tranquility, and connection to nature. Heendeavors to unravel the secrets of successful gardening, providing practical advice on plant care, design principles, and innovative decoration ideas.Beyond his blog, Charles frequently collaborates with gardening professionals, participates in workshops and conferences, and even contributes articles to prominent gardening publications. His passion for gardens and plants knows no bounds, and he tirelessly seeks to expand his knowledge, always striving to bring fresh and exciting content to his readers.Through his blog, Charles aims to inspire and encourage others to unlock their own green thumbs, believing that anyone can create a beautiful, thriving garden with the right guidance and a sprinkle of creativity. His warm and genuine writing style, coupled with his wealth of expertise, ensures that readers will be enthralled and empowered to embark on their own garden adventures.When Charles isn't busy tending to his own garden or sharing his expertise online, he enjoys exploring botanical gardens around the world, capturing the beauty of flora through his camera lens. With a deep-rooted commitment to nature conservation, he actively advocates for sustainable gardening practices, cultivating an appreciation for the fragile ecosystem we inhabit.Charles Cook, a true plant aficionado, invites you to join him on a journey of discovery, as he opens the doors to the captivatingworld of gardens, plants, and decoration through his captivating blog and enchanting videos.